We would never feel satisfied sending our children to a classroom with an ill prepared teacher. But somehow as a home educator I’ve noticed that I don’t always show up ready to teach my children with vigor and knowledge. It takes work and passion no doubt to be a prepared home educator and over the next 30 days, or so, we are challenging ourselves to read through “Home Education” by Charlotte Mason. This first of six volumes lays a broad foundation for a Charlotte Mason education and is designed to be read for those educating children nine years of age and under.
Won’t you join us?
We will post our favorite quotes, personal reflections and challenges as we read together.
30 Day Challenge
Recently while listening to a Charlotte Mason podcast that challenged mothers to read through Volume 1, Home Education, I felt the need to give this an attempt. This challenge stirred a passion in me to finish what I started over a year ago. Since starting over a year ago I made it to page 240 quite recently, but my reading has been so inconsistent I decided to begin at the beginning. So the 30 day challenge was born! Now I can already tell you that after day four I took a week long break, but I’m hopping back on the train and I think if you haven’t started reading or your stuck this will be the push you need to finish.
My copy of Home Education is 352 pages, then there is a 30 page appendix with questions for each section.
Reading 12 pages a day, I should be able to finish in 30 days. If you divide your page numbers by 30 how many pages will you need to read to finish in 30 days?
Continuing Education
If I approach this book as a continuing education assignment I think I will glean the most from it. So far I’ve highlighted and written notes in the volume along with sharing texts with my sister for reflection. I’m reading with the intent of learning because I want to be a prepared home educator. It’s important that we take pride in what we do. I know how hard each one of you wants to do the best for your family, let’s get prepared and learn how we can go about educating our children from a knowledgeable cup.
Let’s Begin
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 4
- Day 5
- Day 6
- Day 7
- Day 8
- Day 9
- Day 10
- Day 11
- Day 12
- Day 13
- Day 14
- Day 15
- Day 16
- Day 17
- Day 18
- Day 19
- Day 20
- Day 21
- Day 22
- Day 23
- Day 24
- Day 25
- Day 26
- Day 27
- Day 28
- Day 29
- Day 30

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