Our family has enjoyed singing hymns at part of our morning time for the past 3 years. This year our Hymn Study includes listening to various groups as they perform these sacred songs written so long ago. Have you studied composers are the stories behind the beautiful hymns? This post includes our songs for this year along with resources if your family want to join us.
What is the purpose of a Hymn Study?
For our family, a hymn study means actually reading the words of the songs we’re singing. I know that sounds silly, duh, when we’re singing we’re reading the words. But not necessarily. I think of my own childhood, there were songs that I sung but actually never learned the true words. I kind of mumbled may way through and then made up my own words. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized that I didn’t know the words to some hymns I enjoyed.
So reading the words, and then talking about who wrote the words. Was it a man or a woman? When did he or she live? Was this person ever married, did they have children? I’ve found that once I know the story behind a hymn it is recalled every time I sing the song. Singing the song takes on a new meaning when I understand the writer’s pain or joy behind the words.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossians 3:16
Paul encourages us to use songs to admonish and teach each other. The right music can turn any day around. Music can left our spirits and transport us to the heavenly realm. Children enjoy good stories and music. A hymn study combines the two worlds and give children a richer understanding of how music affects us.
Suggestions of How to Keep a Hymn Study Interesting
SING. Yes regardless of your voice. SING.
I cannot sing, like at all. When I was a child my mother hosted a home school choir with other families. I remember thinking how I couldn’t really find a key or note to hit, but I loved to sing in a choir. Even if you can’t sing, don’t let your kids hear you talking down on your skills. The Lord gave you whatever voice you have so use it Mama.
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
Psalms 100:1 King James Version Bible
Listen to other sing with different styles. I recently played a hymn for my children sung by a Mennonite choir, my children were in shock. Their voices were absolutely breath taking, the arrangement of music swept us away. Giving children the gift of music helps them to understand how it transcends culture, race and ethnicity.
Get those instruments out. Part of our hymn study includes listening to an instrumental version of each song. We might not be able to attend a symphonic performance or experience live music on a regular basis, but children need to hear instruments. If your children play an instrument please print a copy of our sheet music included in the download. Let new musicians squeak and squawk through the music and if there are no formal instruments use your bodies. Clap, stomp, snap, hum or whistle.
The Longevity of Hymns
Hymns for the most part are were written in an era long gone. One of the hymns in this school year’s study was fabled to be written by St. Patrick. Can you imagine a song surviving that many centuries? What an amazing feat! I think the reason these songs can survive the waves and changes of Christianity is because they are based on scripture.
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.
Isaiah 40:8 King James Version Bible
The Great Hymns of the Faith hymnal that our family owns contains over 500 hymns. That’s 500 songs that reflect Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God the Father. These songs are testimonies to who the Lord was to each of these individuals. Hundreds of years later we have the honor to continue singing these songs! What a blessing.
What is included in this Hymn Study?
- 18 Hymns from “Great Hymns of the Faith”
- Name, birth/death year of the hymn writer
- Link to writer’s biography if its available online or the reference in the book “Great Christian Hymn Writers”
- Printable PDF of piano sheet music
- 4 YouTube videos which includes 3 various artists and 1 instrumental version
- A special mention section for important notes such as African American writers or videos that include the story behind the song.
Mamas we truly hope you enjoy this hymn study! These songs are always a blessing to our hearts and know they will be a bright spot in your day as well. Your children will have these songs to cherish forever, they will hear them at church, on the radio and elsewhere. In the hard times of life we pray the Lord bring them to their remembrance.
[…] in our daily work, Bible, hymns, art study etc. If you are looking for a hymn study check out this AMAZING hymn study that Courtney put […]